“It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and
active people becoming spiritual
that the hope of humanity now rests.”
~ ~ Van Jones

We are husband and wife "LightPartners" - dedicating our energy to supporting people, projects and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. We love connecting those "remembering" that their purpose on Earth is
to love, grow and evolve spiritually.
We believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of LOVE, co-creates with Spirit & cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for Everyone.
We are serving The Revolution of LOVE!
Minstrels of the Heart ~ Sacred Activists ~ Connectors of Good ~ Seed-Planters ~ Lovers and Defenders of Mother Earth ~ Engaged World Citizens ~Mystic Warriors ~ Spirit-led Wanderers ~
BlabberMouths for Good
SHINE the Light on fear.
TRUST life's journey.
ACT wisely.
In early 2013, Noel was invited to contribute a chapter to a book to be published about womens’ recognition of their Divinity within. The book was first offered by Amazon on November 22, 2013. R*eVe*olution ~ The Return of the Divine Feminine was complied by Deyne Robbins and includes a chapter bu Barbara Marx Hubbard. Here is Noel's chapter.
Our Birth 2012 "Conscious Evolution Tour" was a huge milestone (in fact 20,214 milestones) in our lives. The leadership of The Shift Network, managing and communication organization of the Birth 2012 movement, was very generous in their coverage of our Tour. Here is the final article written about the Tour by Byron Belitsos.
In September 2010, Bob participated in the Flight For The Human Spirit by flying with project creator Michael Combs in a light sport airplane from Seattle to Ketchikan, Alaska and back. It was an adventure of a lifetime and an affirming moment in getting to know my soul-brother, Mike. Here's the press release announcing our safe return to the Lower 48.
In 2002, we participated in a volunteer-created project to respectfully honor the heroes of September 11 and to celebrate the freedom of general aviation in the US. The Flight Across America was 50 pilots (actually 51 with Puerto Rico) flying 50 planes from their home state to all three September 11 crash sites in PA, DC and New York. In New York, we flew a Tribute Flight - all 50 planes in single file parade - down the Hudson River past the World Trade Center site and the Statute of Liberty. We still get goose-bumps when we talk of our participation in this very emotional project. You can read the article Noel had published in EAA Sport Aviation Magazine here.