“It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and
active people becoming spiritual
that the hope of humanity now rests.”
~ ~ Van Jones

We are husband and wife "LightPartners" - dedicating our energy to supporting people, projects and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. We love connecting those "remembering" that their purpose on Earth is
to love, grow and evolve spiritually.
We believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of LOVE, co-creates with Spirit & cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for Everyone.
We are serving The Revolution of LOVE!
Minstrels of the Heart ~ Sacred Activists ~ Connectors of Good ~ Seed-Planters ~ Lovers and Defenders of Mother Earth ~ Engaged World Citizens ~Mystic Warriors ~ Spirit-led Wanderers ~
BlabberMouths for Good
SHINE the Light on fear.
TRUST life's journey.
ACT wisely.
Our experiences have brought us into awareness of many important and outstanding movements and projects. Here are a few we are currently actively supporting and/or in which we are engaged:
Founding Mothes Movement ~ We are a women-led movement determined to transition humanity from Patriarchy to Partnership. We pledge to shift the paradigm by empowering Women, protecting Children, and ending War. We're building a global coalition that is powerful enough to inspire Evolutionary Change. https://www.foundingmothers.world/
Unity Earth ~ a global network on a mission to accelerate the realization of unity and peace on Earth. Inspired by the world’s wisdom traditions, Unity Earth places collective values and universal principles at the heart of its initiative, reaching across lines that used to divide by inviting people of all ages, races and beliefs to unite in the quest to make the world a safer and more inclusive place. https://unity.earth/
Represent.US. ~ The most powerful organization currently working to correct our corrupt system of government. RepresentUS bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections. Watch amazing video at: https://represent.us/
Our Childrens' Trust ~ Our Children's Trust elevates the voice of youth to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere for the benefit of all present and future generations. The mission is to protect Earth’s atmosphere and natural systems for present and future generations. Since, 2015, the Trust has been suing the President and the Federal government for its role in destroying Our Childrens' Future. https://www.ourchildrenstrust.org/​​
Red Wine & Blue ~ Red Wine and Blue is a national community of over half a million diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. We train and connect women from across the country of all political backgrounds – including many who have never been political before – to get sh*t done and have fun along the way. Join us! https://redwine.blue/
Order of The Sacred Earth ~ A radically inclusive Order of mystic activists, uniting our energy and intention in one sacred vow: “I promise to be the best lover and defender of the Earth that I can be.” https://www.orderofthesacredearth.org/
Global Oneness Day is an annual event created by Humanity’s Team to provide lectures and presentations by the world’s top evolutionary, spiritual and thought leaders, all centered on the Humanity’s Team’s mission of "Awakening the World to Oneness." You can learn more about Humanity's Team at http://www.humanitysteam.org/
While you are on the site, learn more about the Declaration of Oneness that will be presented to the United Nations! Click here for more details: http://www.humanitysteam.org/onenessdecalaration/what-is-it
Casa Esther, located in Omro, Wisconsin, is a Catholic Worker House, created by Father Joe Mattern in the spirit of Dorothy Day. Casa Esther provides vital services to the Hispanic community of the area and supports social justice as a primary purpose.
The Flight For The Human Spirit is an inspiring project by Earth-angel Michael Combs. The project is motivated by Michael’s encouragement to all to never, ever give up on your dreams. After serious health setbacks, Michael recovered to attain his pilot’s license and fly a light sport airplane in all 50 States, supporting this message of hope and promise. Bob was privileged to fly from Seattle, Washington to Ketchikan, Alaska and back with Michael as a part of this project. Check out: www.flightHS.com
American Visionary: The Life of Barbara Marx Hubbard. This is a documentary film being created by award-winning filmmaker Karen Everett and funded by crowd-sourcing and individual donors. Karen left her 18-year career as a documentary film professor at UC-Berkley to dedicate herself to bringing Barbara’s vision of a universal humanity to the masses. LightPartners is proud to have supported this project since its inception. We encourage your support by going to http://www.americanvisionarythemovie.com
Great March For Climate Action. Mother Earth only has so many resources to support humanity…and we humans are consuming - in fact, exploiting – these resources at an unsustainable rate. The Great March For Climate Action is intended to be the largest public awareness “march” in American history. An intentional community of hundreds walking from Los Angeles to Washington DC in 2014 to bring awareness to the public and political leaders to the crisis of the situation. LightPartners are walking for our grandchildren's grandchildren in the opening days of the March and intend to be there at the concluding steps into Washington DC.
You will find many other organizations which we currently support and recommend under the “Resources We Love” tab, as “Incredible Organizations.”