“It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and
active people becoming spiritual
that the hope of humanity now rests.”
~ ~ Van Jones

We are husband and wife "LightPartners" - dedicating our energy to supporting people, projects and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. We love connecting those "remembering" that their purpose on Earth is
to love, grow and evolve spiritually.
We believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of LOVE, co-creates with Spirit & cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for Everyone.
We are serving The Revolution of LOVE!
Minstrels of the Heart ~ Sacred Activists ~ Connectors of Good ~ Seed-Planters ~ Lovers and Defenders of Mother Earth ~ Engaged World Citizens ~Mystic Warriors ~ Spirit-led Wanderers ~
BlabberMouths for Good
SHINE the Light on fear.
TRUST life's journey.
ACT wisely.
In no particular order !
Like movies, we may not “agree with” everything in all these, however we find them thought-provoking, and with discernment, an opportunity to see the world differently than we have in the past. Many have been the gateway to making significant changes in our lives.
YELLOW highlights are HIGHLY recommended by LightPartners!
The JOSEPH Communications by Michael Reccia (2010-2019): This book series has changed our lives and our worldview! This a series of eight books have been ‘downloaded’ through Michael by "Joseph" - the ancient, discarnate spokesperson for a highly-evolved ‘group soul’ from a higher vibration of reality - and offer, in contemporary, no-nonsense, non-denominational language, detailed answers to life’s biggest questions. http://www.thejosephcommunications.com/ ~ Video interview with Michael, CLICK HERE.
The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine by Matthew Fox (2009): It is no secret that men are in trouble today. From war to ecological collapse, most of the world’s critical problems stem from a distorted masculinity out of control. Yet our culture rewards the very dysfunctions responsible for those problems. To Matthew Fox, our crucial task is to open our minds to a deeper understanding of the healthy masculine than we receive from our media, culture, and religions. To awaken what Fox calls “the sacred masculine,” he unearths ten metaphors, or archetypes, to inspire men to pursue their higher calling to reinvent the world.
A Politics of LOVE: A Handbook for The NEW American Revolution by Marianne Williamson (2019): In this stirring call to arms, the activist, spiritual leader, and New York Times bestselling author confronts the cancerous politics of fear and divisiveness threatening the United States today, urging all spiritually-aware Americans to return to - and act out of - our deepest value: love.
Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action by Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson and Jennifer Listug (2018): This game-changing book is about US creating a a sacred community and movement = a radically inclusive Order of mystic activists, uniting our energy and intention in one sacred vow: “I promise to be the best lover and defender of the Earth that I can be.”
Revolutionary Agreements (2nd Edition) - A Personal Path to Peace of Earth by Marian Head (2015): We’ve been blessed to get to know Marian and her husband, Glenn. They are outstanding evolutionary leaders, who, are living their passion and sharing their gifts with an evolving world. This book is an example of that passion and world contribution. https://agreementsinstitute.com/store/
The Surrender Experiment - my journey into life's perfection by Michael Singer (2015): This is the inspirational story of Michael Singer's life journey of surrender. One of the most powerful books we have EVER read. We intend more of THIS in our lives.
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate by Naomi Klein (2015): A brilliant explanation of why the climate crisis challenges us to abandon the core “free market” ideology of our time, restructure the global economy, and remake our political systems. Amazingly researched and clearly presented, this book expanded our understanding of the core elements of how we have arrived at this moment in the human/planetary condition and revealed vast amounts of information we which we were totally ignorant. You don't learn THIS Truth in school or on "the news." https://thischangeseverything.org/
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need by Naomi Klein (2017): “This is one attempt to uncover how we got to this surreal political moment. It is also an attempt to predict how, under cover of shocks and crises, it could get a lot worse. And it’s a plan for how, if we keep our heads, we might just be able to flip the script and arrive at a radically better future.”
The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall (1944): THIS one will blow your mind. According to Lord Bacon, "The New Atlantis" seems to have been set apart for the great experiment of enlightened self-government long before the founding fathers envisioned the rise of the American Republic.
Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses and Citizens Can Save The Planet by Michael Bloomberg & Carl Pope (2017): Brilliantly-researched and easily-presented with immense hope of where the solutions to climate chaos REALLY lie. Here is where you will find the strength to carry on despite Uncle Don and his "we-don't-care-about-your grandkids'-planet" gang making seemingly overwhelming and daily attacks on sanity for humanity and our planet's future. This book offers there are MANY solutions that lie in the hands of local, political leadership, business practices and the actions of ordinary citizens. If your brain does not explode from the extensive research and statistics, you will clearly see there are many solutions that have been in progress for years and outstanding actions currently in motion to provide a safe and healthy future.
What We're Fighting For NOW is Each Other - Dispatches From The Front Lines of Climate Justice by Wes Stephenson (2015): Looking for clarity of the connection between eco-justice and the modern-day "environmental" movement in the United States? Here it is. This artistically-written book, by the former editor of the Atlantic and the Boston Globe, brings together the compelling - and true -stories of the damage being done to not only the planet, but to the most vulnerable of our fellow citizens. ...and, the heroic individuals who are standing in their sovereignty and commitment to not allow this devastation go unchallenged.
R*eVe*olution ~ The Return of the Divine Feminine complied by Deyne Robbins (2013): A journey through the minds and lives of 40 global women leaders as they share their stories of passion, purpose, love and service in this revolutionary anthology. Noel wrote one of the chapters! You’ll be inspired, moved, and motivated to transform the Yin energy and divine feminine in your own life.
Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential by Barbara Marx Hubbard (1998): This has a textbook feel to it, but was our first introduction to the concept of humanity being on an evolutionary journey and the social implications of that journey.
The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, A Woman and The Struggle To Save The Redwoods by Julia Butterfly Hill (2000) : The inspiring love story of an unlikely environmental hero and her personal conviction and actions to save a old-growth redwood by sitting in the tree - 180 feet above the forest floor - for 738(!) days.
Birth 2012 and Beyond by Barbara Marx Hubbard (2012): We carried this book 20,214 miles on the Conscious Evolution Tour, sharing its theme of December 22, 2012 being humanity’s opportunity to declare a New Era in our evolution.
The Mother of Invention by Neale Donald Walsch (2011): This is the book that caused me to fall in love with Barbara Marx Hubbard. Beautifully and uniquely written in reverse chronological sequence..and, Neale invites the reader to consider their own autobiography as you read. Wonderful!
The Storm before the Calm by Neale Donald Walsch (2011): Hard to pick just one of his books to include but I like this one because of the bold proclamation of establishing A New Human Manifesto – as well as a unique idea for a new currency system. Hmmmm.
Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer (2007): WOW! Such an easy read, but profoundly deep and useful. We visited Michael’s “Temple of the Universe” near Gainesville, FL. He is one sovereign human being – so delightful, happy and centered. How does it get any better than that?
The Practical Visionary: A New World Guide to Spiritual Growth and Social Change by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson (2010): A practical book about bringing spiritual growth and social change “home” to you. Corinne gently lead us through want we can do to advance the depth of our journey at a spiritual level, and equally important, how that can look in the “real” world of day-to-day living. This is a great read!
The Enlightenment Code by Ted Wentworth (2012): Ted is a very advanced soul and a delightful, while quirky, teacher. In his book and in person, Ted is a no-nonsense person, confident in his understanding of “what’s really going on” and is truly generous in his heart-connection to those who desire this. It has been a delight to get know Ted.
Love Your Heart by Diana Von Welanetz Wentworth (2013): Written by a very accomplished woman after her experience surviving a heart attack. Everyday wisdom that will surely help you reconnect on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual
The Co-Creator’s Handbook by Carolyn Anderson and Katharine Roske (2008) – This is a wonderful guidebook to discovering your life purpose and building a co-creative society. It builds on many years of practical experience of the founders and stewards of the Hummingbird Ranch intentional community.
The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Present and Future Enlightenment by Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz (2010): This book gave me a whole “new” context for exploring a completely different timeline for humanity. Feels like truth.
The Trust Frequency: 10 Assumptions for a New Paradigm by Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow (2012): Written with a depth of knowing of the truth and easy writing style with a great dose of humor, Andrew and Connie gently care us to future that is both attainable and ours to create.
The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson (2012): A business associate of ours was having extreme money problems – that made mine seem insignificant. So I decided to send him a copy of this book. Miracles abound… just a coincidence? LOL
Arthur Conan Doyle’s Book of The Beyond by Arthur Conan Doyle (1933): Well known for his Sherlock Holmes series and unknown was his mission to prove survival after death. He is very instrumental in the teachings of the White Eagle Lodge. Fascinating!
My Life After Dying: Becoming Alive to Universal Love by George Ritchie, Jr. (1991): Dr. Ritchie recounts and expounds on his death in September, 1943. Let’s just say his life was never the same after that!
Hope for the Human Spirit by Michael F. Combs (2012): Michael, one the most special people in our lives, has documented that which has been gifted to him from Higher Source into a book you can value every day.
Ten Days with an Angel by Michael F. Combs (2007): What a wonderful book of life’s most important lessons rolled into a easy-to-read story of an everyday workaholic touring the physical world with a “new view.” Michael is an Earth-angel and a soul brother.
The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism by Andrew Harvey (2009): These two words: “Sacred Activism” have becomes my two favorite words! What causes my heart to break is where I choose to take ACTION and help uplift humanity. Thank you Andrew!
Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory (2005): What would you talk about if you could have dinner with Jesus?
52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution by Barbara Marx Hubbard (2011): Barbara’s download of the deep contemplations of life and how we can apply thoughtful motivation to our being.
The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson (2003): Great fable of self-empowerment.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker (2005): This book and many courses and workshops by Harv’s training company, launched the “personal growth” phase of our journey. It was a whole new way of understanding our relationship with money.
Breakthrough Solutions: How to Improve Your Life and Change the World by Building on What Works by Eleanor LeCain (2011): Don’t you get tired of hearing about all the problems? Our friend Eleanor has written a wonderful book about solutions centered around Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Wheel of Co-Creation” with a forward by the Dalai Lama.
Discover the Gift: It’s Why We’re Here by Shajen Joy Aziz and Demian Lichtenstein (2011): The companion book to the movie of the same name in which Hollywood Director Demian Lichtenstein shares his journey of discovering his gift. Shajen, whom we’ve been blessed to get to know, authored the book, which invites you to discover YOUR gift.
How Did I Get Here?: Finding Your Way to Renewed Hope and Happiness When Life and Love Take Unexpected Turns by Barbara DeAngelis (2005): We spent 3-plus years as Barbara's students, diving into the question of this book and exploring our personal journey to a higher consciousness. Thank you, Barbara!
Occupy Consciousness by Peter McGugan (2012): Peter has evolved to be a great friend and fellow seeker among other things! This is a great and timely book particularly for beginning evolutionaries. Very comprehensive and engaging.
The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks (2009): We love Esther and her channeling of the Teachings of Abraham – an assembly of pure wisdom. The vortex is an easy and profound read.
The Neville Reader - from previously published material from 1956 to 1961: Noel's comments coming soon.
Immortal Man - a compilation of lectures by Neville (1977): A treasury of inspiration and spiritual comfort by one of America’s great New Thought teachers. I also enjoy listening to “Neville” on YouTube which features recordings of some of his lectures from the 1950’s.
The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels – selections from the writings of ParamahansaYogananda (2007): This book puts forth understanding the hidden teachings of the gospels… Don’t tell my mother know I read this book and loved it!