“It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and
active people becoming spiritual
that the hope of humanity now rests.”
~ ~ Van Jones

We are husband and wife "LightPartners" - dedicating our energy to supporting people, projects and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. We love connecting those "remembering" that their purpose on Earth is
to love, grow and evolve spiritually.
We believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of LOVE, co-creates with Spirit & cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for Everyone.
We are serving The Revolution of LOVE!
Minstrels of the Heart ~ Sacred Activists ~ Connectors of Good ~ Seed-Planters ~ Lovers and Defenders of Mother Earth ~ Engaged World Citizens ~Mystic Warriors ~ Spirit-led Wanderers ~
BlabberMouths for Good
SHINE the Light on fear.
TRUST life's journey.
ACT wisely.
This list includes organizations, spiritual communities, conscious companies and projects that are, in our view, lifting up the World.
League of Women Voters ~ EMPOWERING VOTERS. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. LWV empowers voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels. https://www.lwv.org/
The Parliament of the World’s Religions ~ cultivates harmony among the world’s spiritual traditions and fosters their engagement with guiding institutions in order to achieve a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world. https://parliamentofreligions.org/
Poor People's Campaign ~ The Pachamama Alliance vision is huge...and imperative: bringing forth a socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling human presence on this planet. Invited by indigenous wisdom and connection to Spirit and nature, the Alliance is employing modern tools and communication to establish a growing community of world citizens to create a world that works for everyone. https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/
United Religions Initiative ~ URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world. Find or start a local Cooperation Circle. https://www.uri.org/​
American Civil Liberties Union ~ The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees. https://www.aclu.org/
RepresentUS ~ RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan organization fighting to protect and strengthen democracy. We unite unlikely allies from across the political spectrum who put country over party to pass pro-democracy laws, fight corruption, and defeat authoritarian threats. https://represent.us/
Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to developing creative and economical solutions to a wide range of social problems in Costa Rica. Our vision is to create a better quality of life for all those we work with, supporting at-risk and special needs populations so they may have more choices for their future and fostering greater sensitivity in populations providing services. https://www.crhf.org/
White Eagle Lodge ~ A worldwide spiritual community following the teaching of White Eagle – St. John. White Eagle blends Native American wisdom, astrology and healing for the world. White Eagle Lodge for the America’s is located in Montgomery, TX. LightPartners Noel & Bob enjoyed our volunteer time at the Lodge in early 2013 and look forward to our return. www.whiteaglelodge.org
The Food Revolution Network ~ We are glad we discovered this empowering movement of education about safe food. After learning so much from the recent GMO Mini-summit tele-event, we joined the Network and are continuing our education about our food systems, what is unconscious about them and what choices we can make to improve our lives and others around this key element of human existence. We encourage you to learn with us at this link to the 2014 GMO-Mini-Summit. http://www.foodrevolution.org
The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) ~ a worldwide organization working with love and dedication for planetary peace, justice, freedom, and sustainability. We are widely affiliated with human rights organizations, environmental organizations, peace organizations, and other concerned groups working for a decent future of planet Earth. WCPA supports the Earth Federation Movement. http://earth-constitution.org/about/principles/
Sunrise Ranch ~ Since 1945, Sunrise Ranch, an intentional spiritually-minded community of 70+ people, has lovingly stewarded the land and water of its 350 acre ranch. The Ranch is the headquarters for the worldwide Emissaries of Divine Light. The LightPartners enjoyed their summer 2013 time at the Ranch as event facilitators, volunteers and students of this wonderful intentional community. Check out: www.SunriseRanch.org
TreeSisters exists to elicit collective responsibility for planetary restoration at the grass roots level with a focus on women and tropical reforestation. They envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore our planet and to rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and channeling women's nature-based feminine leadership into local and global action. TreeSisters focuses on the creation of resources and experiences that empower women to step into their feminine nature-based leadership, in support of humanity's identity shift from a consumer species to a restorer species. https://www.treesisters.org/
The Shift Network ~ The Shift Network empowers a global movement of people who are creating an
evolutionary shift of consciousness that in turn leads to a more enlightened society, one built on principles of peace, sustainability, health, and prosperity. LightPartners admire the efforts of The Shift Network in achieving these goals. We have great respect for Founder Stephen Dinan’s committed and evolutionary leadership. We invite you to review and sample The Shift Network’s extensive training and many free offerings HERE.
Humanity’s Team ~ “Awakening the World to Oneness” is the simple and profound mission of Humanity’s Team. Created by best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch, the worldwide movement has grown to have representation in over 150 countries. LightPartners has been blessed to work directly with current Worldwide Coordinating Director Steve Farrell and the entire staff. We currently volunteer to support volunteer efforts around the globe. http://www.humanitysteam.org/
Thrive ~ This movement is an out-growth of the Thrive movie. Foster Gamble and his team have created an incredible collection of resources and a framework of communities supporting the movement's purpose to bring forth a planet that doesn't just survives, but thrives. www.thrivemovement.com
AGAPE International Spiritual Center ~ The trans-faith, spiritual community founded by Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith. AGAPE and “The Rev” have been key elements of our awakening to our Divinity and our enthusiasm for “right action.” This community ROCKS, from their international choir, to their diverse and extensive ministries, coursework and special programs. Noel & Bob had their marriage vows renewed at AGAPE at a Valentine’s Day celebration and welcomed the New Era of Humanity for 48 hours at the Birth 2012 Gala Celebration. We start most days waking up to the sounds of transformation and hip-hoppin’ to The Rev’s music CD – TranscenDance! You can “lovestream” the AGAPE services live or from their extensive archives. See more info on the “Spiritual Liberation” movie in the Resources section. www.agapelive.com
The Story of Stuff Project ~ We LOVE this! Annie and a group of volunteers created the “Story of Stuff” in 2007 as a personal campaign to explain to those listening, the consequences of our addiction to “stuff” – to consumerism. The “Story of Stuff movement” has since expanded into waking us up to the details of everything from banking to bottled water, to electronics, to cosmetics. This is a great education tool for ALL ages! Show your kids! www.storyofstuff.org/
Compassionate Action Network International ~ Recently, we were introduced to the Network and were immediately attracted to the wonderful efforts of this spirited movement. Based on the simple premise of “The Golden Rule,” the Network is activating “compassionate cities” around the world. THAT’S the world we want to live in! www.compassionateaction.org
Vistar Foundation ~ Vistar is a non-profit spiritual organization dedicated to the power and potential of Collective evolutionary consciousness for individual and global awakening. One of their many contributions to global awakening is the Vistar Method for Circles technology. Founders Dr. Ron Friedman and Victoria Friedman have become dear friends and conscious colleagues. http://www.vistarfoundation.org/
Connecting The Good ~ Connecting the Good Worldwide is an innovative, unique grassroots movement to address the political, religious, social, and economic divisions in today’s society beginning with each person, each street and neighborhood, and each community. Coordinator Richard Flyer is a committed leader of making The Shift real in every neighborhood. http://connectingthegood.com/
Insight Out ~ Dear spiritual sister Dr. Linda Linker Rosenthal is the heart of Insight Out, a collection of visionary healing arts, programs and general Universal Upliftment. Linda has been a leader in spiritual awakening for many through her, book, music and healing arts and kind heart. http://www.insightout-healing.co/index.html
Planetary Play ~ Wholely Fool and Unity Minister Marciah McCartney is a treasured friend and soul sister. She has created a program of “play” that guides participants to “get on purpose with passion, play and creativity.” It’s a blast! http://www.dnaofplay.com/
Inside Edge ~ We have had the blessing of spending time with Diana von Welanetz-Wentworth and learn more about the wonderful contribution she made by co-founding (in 1985), The Inside Edge, a membership organization which hosts breakfast gathering in the LA area with cutting-edge, well known speakers presenting on topics from A to Z. http://www.insideedge.org
Gaia ~ “The Transformation Network” is a web-based TV channel which connects like-minded people with new perspectives and to seekers with their true path in life. It is “mindful TV” that sparks transformation. And...this is the place where you see "the good news" of people helping create a world that works for all. http://www.gaia.com/
Loving Me Now Project ~ Evolutionary Brother Dr. Don Pet has committed his time, talent and treasures to creating a new website and associated programs for assisting individuals in loving themselves first. Don believes (and we agree!) that for the world to shift and heal, we individual must do this first. This is an incredible tool. http://www.lovingmenow.org
For The Human Spirit ~ Our spirit-brother, Michael Combs has continues to contribute much to human advancement and you can learn all about it at For The Human Spirit website. You will find inspiring books, music and amazing projects that Michael has created. http://www.forthehumanspirit.com/
Casa Esther ~ Casa Esther, located in Omro, Wisconsin, is a Catholic Worker House, created by Father Joe Mattern in the spirit of Dorothy Day. Casa Esther provides vital services to the Hispanic community of the area and supports social justice as a primary purpose. LightPartners Noel & Bob served as founding advisors to the creation of Casa Esther and continue to support its good works.
What’s Your Tree Project ~ When we heard Julia Butterfly Hill speak with Daryl Hannah at the ARISE Music
Festival, we were blown away! THIS is a woman of purpose, passion and ACTION. Known for her 738-day life in a 1,000 year-old redwood to protest the clear-cutting of the ancient giants, Julia has dedicated her life to assisting others in not just being inspired by her courage, but to step out in action themselves. http://www.whatsyourtree.it/the-project.html