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As you read this, please hum Sheryl Crow’s “Everyday Is A Winding Road” to yourself… 

That’s our life!  And…it is beautiful!


We define our "Consciously Evolving Road" as the place where we are at any given moment:  spiritually and geographically…in whatever form that takes.  In April 2010, we looked at each other and said “let’s drive around the country until we find a place we want to live.”  Two weeks later, we owned a big Ford pick-up truck and a 5th-wheel RV-home and were on the road.  (A leap of faith, since we'd never even camped together!)  We were already studying with Barbara DeAngelis, a transformational teacher in California, so we ended up there; continuing our study and supporting Barbara’s student community.  


Being in SoCal, provided many opportunities that we had never imagined, including finding our “spiritual home” at AGAPE International Spiritual Center in LA.  


By early 2012, we had been exposed to so many new ways of looking at the world and our place in it.  As students of visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard, we enthusiastically supported  world-wide Birth 2012 movement.  This movement, supported by thought leaders and visionaries around the world declared that the planetary shift that many where talking about the date of the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012, was in fact, a shift in consciousness and that all humans had a role to play in this planetary shift.  Our role in this shift continued to emerge.


When Barbara asked, "What is your gift to the planetary shift in humanity?" - We decided that "RV'ing with a mission" was the way to go!  Stepping out lead by Spirit, we embarked on “The Conscious Evolution Tour” traveling to all the 48 contiguous United States and 2 Canadian provinces in less than 6 months, making over 90 presentations about Birth 2012 and conscious evolution. 

Our personal participation in the Dawning of a New Era at the Birth 2012 culminating events in Byron Bay Australia and at AGAPE in Los Angeles, were milestones in our personal evolution.  The Tour was a significant element in our spiritual growth and service to the world. 


Between 2012 and 2020, we continued to travel "The Consciously Evolving Road" --- co-creating and co-facilitating the “Co-Creators Convergence” at Sunrise Ranch (and, after the pandemic, at White Eagle Lodge in south Texas) and hosting regular tel-calls with a growing community of conscious co-creators.  Our world of sacred activism expanded through our connection with other LightPartners, our deepening spiritual practice, our awaking up to the plight of humanity and Our Common Home and our saying YES tat each crossroad of expansion which The Universe continues to lay before us.  Blessings have evolved in recent years to be summer residents of the Sunrise Ranch Spiritual Community in LOVEland, Colorado and volunteers at the White Eagle Lodge of the Americas in Montgomery, Texas.

We assist as volunteer leaders in a number of organizations and movements, including:

We are also engaged in a number of environmental and social justice movements and organizations and pro-democracy actions.


2020 is a pivotal year for all of humanity and Our SpaceShip Earth.  The pandemic has offered totally unexpected "crossroads" for our amusement and Sacred YES.  This has included a "home base" opportunity never expected.  Check out this video introduction.

Future mileposts along The Road have yet to be revealed…so we roll on!

2010 - 2020

2020 - ???

2020 – A February sacred pilgrimage “U-DAY 2020: Holy Land - Living Water”, organized by Unity Earth and hosted by EcoPeace Middle East, was our global expansion version of our BIRTH 2012 experience. Journeying along the “Holy Lands” around the Jordan River basin, Israel, Jordan and Palestine, our 100-peson delegation of world travelers participated in sacred site visits, keynote speeches, musical performances and multi-faith spiritual ceremonies.

Upon return from this journey, all energies shifted. Bob’s Mom transitioned to the Higher Realms, leaving behind her wonderful Tennessee home - a sanctuary from the uncertainty cause by the pandemic. The volunteer opportunities in  Loveland and Texas halted, so the LightPartners found shelter at this Appalachian Foothills sanctuary.

The call to create a “LightPartners Galactic Home Base” was evident. While the now-worldwide energetic and love-connections flourished with technology-enablement, we began to shift our nationwide “neighborhood” flourished both globally AND locally. The total engagement with spiritual (and social justice – motivated) community was here – the Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. Opportunity for sacred (political) activism was present as the local League of Women Voters, Black Lives Matters and gun safety advocacy movements, as well as the desperate need for compassionate and truth-aware citizens.

And, so…

These are the recent mileposts…

The journey continues!

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