“It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and
active people becoming spiritual
that the hope of humanity now rests.”
~ ~ Van Jones

We are husband and wife "LightPartners" - dedicating our energy to supporting people, projects and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. We love connecting those "remembering" that their purpose on Earth is
to love, grow and evolve spiritually.
We believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of LOVE, co-creates with Spirit & cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for Everyone.
We are serving The Revolution of LOVE!
Minstrels of the Heart ~ Sacred Activists ~ Connectors of Good ~ Seed-Planters ~ Lovers and Defenders of Mother Earth ~ Engaged World Citizens ~Mystic Warriors ~ Spirit-led Wanderers ~
BlabberMouths for Good
SHINE the Light on fear.
TRUST life's journey.
ACT wisely.
Dear Bob and Noel, I want to thank you so deeply for what you are doing to bring evolutionaries together in such a deep and creative way. I am really inspired by what you are doing. Love to you both! ~ Barbara Marx Hubbard, Visionary, Author and Founder, Foundation for Conscioous Evolution
Noel and Bob, your commitment to bringing such powerful programs to the people is so needed right now. I can feel Barbara Marx Hubbard smiling. You are who are helping to keep the ark afloat while the consciousness shifts and raises. ~ Claudia , Houston, TX
Noel & Bob, who traveled the grass roots further than anyone else on the planet, really. Bob & Noel travelled to 48 states to activate the Birth 2012 Movement. ~ Stephen Dinan, The Shift Network
Noel & Bob - I love you and am so very grateful for your presence, your willingness and your contagious enthusiasm for the grandest of possibilities for all of us. I look forward to everything we'll all be doing together in the coming years! ~ Mary Reed, Author and Intuitive
You inspired me constantly with how engaged you are with life/humanity and how you are using your voices to affect positive change. Such an honor to know you both! ~ Gina Mazza, Author and Life Coach
I have never known two people so open and accepting of not just each other, but of everyone you meet. You are present to all you meet, the true picture of universal love and unity of spirit. For this gift, we are all in your debt. Kerry Dennis ~ Phoenix, Arizona
For wonderment I turn toward you two-- whose service to the 'wholeness' has inspired me. Look forward to seeing you both in person someday. ~ Cassandra Lea Martin, Oklahoma
I love the example of your life, old and ever new! Your surrender to the miracles your life brings, your leaps through the hoops of discovery and adventure, and your sincerity, endurance, patience and resilience with the remarkable contrast between each of the parts of your life's storyline are daunting inspirations. ~ Grace Lehman, Colorado
You are truly special people and our society would do well with many more like you. ~ Roxanne Griffin - Represent Fort Collins
Noel and Bob, they are deeply spiritual people, highly intelligent, absolutely committed to advancing the welfare of our planet and all its inhabitants, and they are just all around good, down-to-earth, kind people -- very personable. Abhaya, Gainesville, Florida
Thank you both for your incredible dedication, in helping us grow and expanding our worldly knowledge. Love you both! ~ Darlis, Jupiter, Florida
I genuinely love Noel & Bob and the work they are doing. If you are soul searching for an area to actively get involved in on a global capacity to improve our economy, social structure or environment, this is the pair you want to team up with. They are easily approachable and have a wealth of knowledge. ~ Ty, Lecanto, Florida
You are an exceptional, special couple that grace others with your presence. Noel & Bob provide spiritual source for others to connect and find their path’s next steps. ~ Darin, Utah
You two are an inspiration and blessing to each other, reflecting the marriage I desire. I know the best possible life mate is out there waiting for the right timing to make himself known to me. The pleasure of meeting and talking with you last night will remain with me for a long time. Thanks for sharing your incredible journey via faith in Spirit. ~ Janice
Your workshop was/is life-changing for me. My awakening to Truth-Acceptance -Gratitude for daily living and practice. Thank you. Namaste. ~~~ Jeanne W. FL
I was the beneficiary, you and Bob were the gift. I have been blessed with a new brother and sister. No diapers, no terrible two’s, all grown up, already awakened and clearly just getting reacquainted with your brother from the many lifetimes that it seems we have known each other. I’d say that was a good weekend and a good start in this lifetime. Thank you for including me at the retreat, thank you for your warm hospitality and thank you for answering the call to this life’s work. ~ Henderson J. Smith, Jr., Holistic Wellness Consultant, Certified Qigong & Tai Chi Teacher
What a joy it is ti have you arrive in my life! Spending four days with you shifted my heart and soul to a higher frequency. Thank you! Thank you! For all that you are. ~ MaryJo, Colorado
Much love to you all for gracing our Center with such a positive, constructive – and inspiring event. ~ Rev. Jane Sorbi, Mother of the White Eagle Work in the Americas, White Eagle Lodge, Montgomery, TX
Thank you for your amazing co-creative energy for what really matters in life! ~ Karen M Wyatt, M.D., Physician, Author, Spiritual Teacher and Creator of End-Of-Life University
Amazing Beings of Light, thank you for your love and sharing. Peace be with you. ~ Saara, Utah

We are humbled by what others speak of us... We appreciate others' words...but more so, their hearts'-song. And, as that relates to their witness of us...we are simply humbled. It is THEY that are the blessings in our lives.